Boat Plans - What You Must Know Before Choosing

Sail Away On Your Own Boat
Building your own boat can be cheaper than buying a manufactured boat.  It can also be a great hobby for anyone who has some basic carpentry experience and enjoys working with their hands eg. the DIY (do-it-yourself) enthusiast, especially one who is a sea-dog with "seafever in their blood".  A boat that you have made yourself can be a thing of pride and beauty and something to treasure for years to come.  Of course, it takes a good deal of time and, although not as much as you would spend on a pre-made boat, a good amount of money.  Considering this, you certainly don’t wish to leap in and start such a project without the proper knowledge and the perfect boat plan.

The Internet is full of boat plans.  Many companies sell boat plans for a small price.  However, they aren’t all worth the price that is asked for.  A lot of plans found online are quite old, so the finished boat could be an older design which might have several technical faults in the hull construction.  The simplicity and convenience of using the Internet to find a boat plan will be negated if you end up with a plan that will not work for you.

You cannot know how your boat will behave in the water or in rough weather conditions on the ocean.  Large companies have the gear and knowledge to test these conditions.  They normally use scale models of an original design in specially-designed software in research labs before building a life-sized prototype.  Obviously, you are not going to be able to perform such tests.

Another option is to spend tons of money and even more hours building your boat, then testing it in real-life conditions.  Can you imagine your distress at going through so much trouble, only to watch your brand-new boat fail the test?  Unless you have time, money and energy to burn, this is definitely not an appealing nor practical option!

There is another way to make sure you’ve chosen a boat plan that will help you make your dream boat.  This option doesn’t involve laboratories or crossing your fingers and hoping for the best.  Instead, when shopping around for a boat plan, look for all the reviews you can find on each seller.  If you can find positive testimonies from happy customers about a company, you will definitely be on the right track.  If you want to have a better chance at making sure all of your time, money and effort won’t be spent in vain, it will be worth spending a few days in looking for just the right plan.

DIY Seafarer

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